VFAStrike Fighter Squadron (US Navy)
VFAView from Above
VFAVisiting Forces Agreement
VFAVolatile Fatty Acid
VFAFighter Attack Squadron (US Navy aviation unit designation used from 1980 to 1983)
VFAVictoria Falls, Zimbabwe (Airport Code)
VFAVereinigung Freischaffender Architekten Deutschlands (German: Association of Freelance Architects, Germany)
VFAVeterans for America
VFAVoids Filled with Asphalt
VFAVictorian Football Association
VFAVertebral Fracture Assessment (type of bone density scan)
VFAVeterinary and Food Administration (Denmark)
VFAVolunteer Fire Association (various organizations)
VFAVoluntary Flexible Agreement (US Department of Education)
VFAVermont Farms! Association (Rutland, VT)
VFAVoltage Feedback Amplifier
VFAVote From Abroad
VFAVermont Fire Academy
VFAFixed-Wing Fighter Attack
VFAVerband Forschender Arzneimittelhersteller eV (German Association of Research-based Pharmaceutical Companies)
VFAValeur Foncière de Référence en Acquisition-Amélioration (French: Property Reference Value in Acquisition-Improvement; zoning; France)
VFAViral Fitness Assay
VFAVydaná Faktura