ALCAÁrea de Libre Comercio de las Américas
ALCAAssociated Landscape Contractors of America
ALCAÁrea de Livre Comércio das Américas (Free Trade Area of the Americas)
ALCAAcetyl-L-Carnitine Arginate (pharmaceutical)
ALCAAdvanced Light Combat Aircraft
ALCAAlabama Counseling Association
ALCAAmerican Landscape Contractors Association
ALCAAustralian Lowline Cattle Association (cattle breeding)
ALCAAmerican Leather Chemists Association
ALCAAssociation de Lutte Contre l'Ambrosia
ALCAAmerican Lock Collectors Association (Mentor, Ohio)
ALCAÁrea del Libre Comercio para Las Américas (Spanish: Free Trade Area of the Americas)
ALCAAdvanced Load Control Alliance (Paragon Consulting Services, Inc.; Portland, OR)
ALCAAverage Linkage Clustering Algorithm