VSEVision for Space Exploration
VSEVancouver Stock Exchange (British Columbia, Canada)
VSEVisual Space Enhancer
VSEVertex Shader Engine
VSEVirus Scan Engine
VSEVirtual System Extensions
VSEVirtual Server Environment
VSEVirus Scan Enterprise
VSEVertical Size Extension
VSEVirtual Storage Extended
VSEVoluntary Support of Education (survey)
VSEVilnius Stock Exchange (Lithuania)
VSEVerification Support Environment
VSEVirtual Service Environment
VSEVertical Search Engine (Watt4)
VSEVysoka Skola Ekonomicka (University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic)
VSEVery Small Enterprise
VSEVersatile Service Engine
VSEVienna Special Edition (sound library)
VSEVegan Straight Edge (lifestyle)
VSEVancomycin Sensitive Enterococcus
VSEVintage Synth Explorer
VSEViolence Solves Everything (gaming clan)
VSEVisual Surveillance of Extremities
VSEVoice Services Equipment (telephony)
VSEVehicle Systems Engineer (automotive)
VSEVivaldi Slot Element (antenna)
VSEVillage and Small Enterprises (India)
VSEVeritas Sequitur Esse (Latin: truth follows the existence of things)
VSEVideo Switching Equipment
VSEVoice Switch Engineering