WETWater Education for Teachers
WETWestern European Time (GMT+0000)
WETWater Energy Technology
WETWater Efficient Technologies (California)
WETWhole Effluent Toxicity
WETWorkforce, Education and Training (California)
WETWireless Ethernet
WETWireless Electronic Transactions
WETW-Engineered Tread
WETWestern European Time
WETWindows Easy Transfer (Microsoft software)
WETWolfenstein Enemy Territory (game)
WETWrong Every Time
WETWrite Everything Twice (programming)
WETWhite Entertainment Television
WETWaste Extraction Test
WETWest End Theater (Gloucester, MA)
WETWhole Earth Telescope
WETWashington Ensemble Theatre (Seattle, WA)
WETWater Education Training
WETWind chill Equivalent Temperature
WETWomen’s Expressive Theater, Inc. (New York City)
WETWindsurfing Enthusiasts of Tidewater (Virginia Tidewater area)
WETWeightless Environment Training
WETWar Equipment Table
WETWeek End Theme
WETWeek-End Training (Reserves)
WETWater Extraction Technologies (Sparks, NV)
WETWatermark Evaluation Testbed (electronic imaging)
WETWomen’s Experimental Theatre
WETWaterways Evaluation Tool
WETWomen’s Ensemble Theater (UC, Santa Cruz, CA)
WETWorkshop on Electronic Texts (Library of Congress)
WETWeapons Effectiveness Testing
WETWine Equilisation Tax (Australia)
WETWomen’s Entertainment Troupe (Los Angeles, CA)
WETWeather, Enemy, & Terrain
WETWork-Extension Technologies
WETWater Employment Team
WETWater Enterprise Tracking (civil engineering)
WETWellness Educational Theater