Acronym | Definition |
AFRC | Air Force Reserve Command (formerly AFRES) |
AFRC | Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (Sierra Leone) |
AFRC | Association Française de la Relation Client (French: French Association of Customer Relations) |
AFRC | Armed Forces Reserve Center |
AFRC | American Forest Resource Council (Portland, OR) |
AFRC | Agricultural and Food Research Council (United Kingdom) |
AFRC | Armed Forces Recreation Centers |
AFRC | Ashtown Food Research Centre (Ireland) |
AFRC | Airman & Family Readiness Center |
AFRC | Albion Fisheries Research Centre (Mauritius) |
AFRC | Air-Fuel Ratio Control (Caterpillar) |
AFRC | Advanced Forming Research Centre (University of Strathclyde; UK) |
AFRC | Air Force Reserve Component |
AFRC | Association Française de Recherches Cryptozoologiques (French: French Association for Cryptozoology Research; est. 1999) |
AFRC | Australian Fenestration Rating Council |
AFRC | All France Rugby Club (Japan; est. 1987) |
AFRC | Armed Forces Reserve Command |
AFRC | Armed Forces Reconstitution Committee (Pakistan) |
AFRC | American Financial Research Corporation (USA) |