Acronym | Definition |
VFP | Visual FoxPro (Microsoft development environment) |
VFP | Vector Floating Point |
VFP | Virtual Function Pointer |
VFP | Visual Fox Pro |
VFP | Video Fine Processor (DVD players) |
VFP | Light Photographic Squadron (US Navy aviation unit designation used from 1956 to 1987) |
VFP | Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron (US Navy aviation unit designation used from 1956 to 1987) |
VFP | Venous Foot Pump (podiatry) |
VFP | Vocal Fold Paresis |
VFP | Virtual File Platform (Hitachi) |
VFP | Vote for Pedro (game) |
VFP | Voluntary Filing Program (US SEC) |
VFP | Veterans for Peace, Inc. |
VFP | Vending Facility Program (blind support program; est. 1936) |
VFP | Visiting Faculty Position |
VFP | Vertical Forms Printing |
VFP | Light Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron (US Navy aviation unit designation used from 1956 to 1987) |
VFP | Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron (Light) (US Navy aviation unit designation used from 1956 to 1987) |
VFP | Variance Frequency Processor |
VFP | Very Fast People (Italy) |
VFP | Photographic Squadron, Light |
VFP | Vlaamse Federatie voor Planologie (Dutch: Flemish Federation for Planning; Belgium) |