WRAPWellness Recovery Action Plan
WRAPWaste and Resources Action Programme (U.K. non-profit recycling advocate)
WRAPWaste Reduction Awards Program
WRAPWestern Regional Air Partnership
WRAPWashington Regional Alcohol Program
WRAPWireless Router Application Platform
WRAPWetland Rapid Assessment Procedure (rating index)
WRAPWrite Around Portland
WRAPWireless Robust Authenticated Protocol
WRAPWeb Ready Appliances Protocol
WRAPWhippet Rescue and Placement
WRAPWomen Recovering from Abuse Program (Canada)
WRAPWetlands Regulatory Assistance Program
WRAPWarfighter Rapid Acquisition Program
WRAPWind, Reel, And Print
WRAPWisconsin Regional Art Program
WRAPWoundcare Research for Appropriate Products
WRAPWorldwide Responsible Apparel Producers (Arlington, VA)
WRAPWildfire Research and Applications Partnership
WRAPWriting and Reading Assessment Profile
WRAPWriting Approach to Reading
WRAPWaste Receiving and Processing Plant
WRAPWide Area Rapid Acoustic Prediction
WRAPWarwick Research Archive Project
WRAPWeatherization, Rehabilitation, and Asset Preservation Project
WRAPWarfighting Rapid Acquisition Process
WRAPWeb Resource Authentication Protocol
WRAPWater Reduction Awards Program (California, USA)
WRAPWide Area Rapid Acoustic Propagation
WRAPWorkforce Research and Analysis Project
WRAPWeapon Readiness Achievement Program
WRAPWar Risk Additional Premium
WRAPWorkload Requirements Assessment Process
WRAPWeapon Reliability Assurance Program
WRAPWideband Receivers for Adaptive Processing
WRAPWork-package Risk Assessment Procedure (DCAA)
WRAPWhite Rose Agricultural Producers (Alberta, Canada)