VSIVery Short Introductions (book series)
VSIVision Systems, Inc.
VSIVinyl Siding Institute
VSIVertical Speed Indicator
VSIVirtual Switch Instance
VSIVehicle System Interface
VSIVoltage Source Inverter
VSIVirtual Switch Interface
VSIVoluntary Separation Incentive
VSIVisual Studio Installer (Microsoft)
VSIVision Systems International
VSIVertical Shaft Impactor (industrial rock crushing machine type)
VSIVersatile Seismic Imager (Schlumberger tool)
VSIVirtual Socket Interface
VSIVery Seriously Ill
VSIVertical Scanning Interferometry
VSIVery Seriously Injured
VSIVolontaire de Solidarité Internationale (French: Volunteers for International Solidarity)
VSIVisual Site Inspection (environmental reports)
VSIVendor Single Interest
VSIVLBI Standard Interface
VSIVirginia Semiconductor, Inc.
VSIVolunteer Sector Initiative
VSIVideo Simulation Interface (US NASA)
VSIView Student Information (resource; various locations)
VSIVisual Stability Index (concrete)
VSIVascular Society of India
VSIVertical Situation Indicator
VSIVirginia Spine Institute
VSIVirtual Server Infrastructure (database management)
VSIVegetarian Society of Ireland (est. 1978)
VSIStalling Speed in a Specified Flight Configuration
VSIVeteran Solutions, Inc. (Upper Marlboro, MD)
VSIVerify Supplier Invoice
VSIVessel Superintendents (UK)
VSIVirtual Screen Interface
VSIVertical Scale Indicator
VSIVelocity and Steering Indicator
VSIVehicle State Interface
VSIVietnam State Inspectorate
VSIVendor Single Insurance