Acronym | Definition |
VSI | Very Short Introductions (book series) |
VSI | Vision Systems, Inc. |
VSI | Vinyl Siding Institute |
VSI | Vertical Speed Indicator |
VSI | Virtual Switch Instance |
VSI | Vehicle System Interface |
VSI | Voltage Source Inverter |
VSI | Virtual Switch Interface |
VSI | Voluntary Separation Incentive |
VSI | Visual Studio Installer (Microsoft) |
VSI | Vision Systems International |
VSI | Vertical Shaft Impactor (industrial rock crushing machine type) |
VSI | Versatile Seismic Imager (Schlumberger tool) |
VSI | Virtual Socket Interface |
VSI | Very Seriously Ill |
VSI | Vertical Scanning Interferometry |
VSI | Very Seriously Injured |
VSI | Volontaire de Solidarité Internationale (French: Volunteers for International Solidarity) |
VSI | Visual Site Inspection (environmental reports) |
VSI | Vendor Single Interest |
VSI | VLBI Standard Interface |
VSI | Virginia Semiconductor, Inc. |
VSI | Volunteer Sector Initiative |
VSI | Video Simulation Interface (US NASA) |
VSI | View Student Information (resource; various locations) |
VSI | Visual Stability Index (concrete) |
VSI | Vascular Society of India |
VSI | Vertical Situation Indicator |
VSI | Virginia Spine Institute |
VSI | Virtual Server Infrastructure (database management) |
VSI | Vegetarian Society of Ireland (est. 1978) |
VSI | Stalling Speed in a Specified Flight Configuration |
VSI | Veteran Solutions, Inc. (Upper Marlboro, MD) |
VSI | Verify Supplier Invoice |
VSI | Vessel Superintendents (UK) |
VSI | Virtual Screen Interface |
VSI | Vertical Scale Indicator |
VSI | Velocity and Steering Indicator |
VSI | Vehicle State Interface |
VSI | Vietnam State Inspectorate |
VSI | Vendor Single Insurance |