Acronym | Definition |
VGM | Verified Gross Mass (cargo weight) |
VGM | Video Game Music |
VGM | Voice Generator Module |
VGM | Volume Globulaire Moyen (French: Average Blood Volume) |
VGM | Veiligheid, Gezondheid, Milieu (Dutch: Safety, Health, Environment; regulated management system) |
VGM | Vein of Galen Malformation (cardiovascular medicine) |
VGM | Virtual General Manager (game) |
VGM | Virement de Gros Montant (French: Transfer Large Amount) |
VGM | Vakýflar Genel Müdürlüðü (Turkish: General Directorate of Foundations) |
VGM | Virtual Global Marketing |
VGM | Verified Gross Measurement (shipping) |
VGM | Gravity Assisted Manoeuvres at Venus (space exploration) |