VIAViacom Inc. (stock symbol)
VIAViaduct (US Postal service standard street suffix)
VIAVancouver International Airport (British Columbia, Canada)
VIAVisualization and Image Analysis
VIAVisual Inspection with Acetic Acid (cancer screening)
VIAVlaanderen in Actie (Dutch: Flanders in Action)
VIAVienna International Airport
VIAVisual Immunoassay
VIAVax Information Architecture
VIAVision Into Action
VIAVolunteers in Action
VIAVirtual Interface Architecture
VIAVisual Information Access
VIAValorisation de l'Innovation dans l'Ameublement (French: Recovery of Innovation in Furniture)
VIAVisual Impact Assessment (environmental studies)
VIAVideo Image Analysis
VIAVirus Information Alliance
VIAVolontariat International en Administration (French: Voluntary International Terminal)
VIAVersatile Integrated Avionics (Honeywell)
VIAVendors' ISDN Association
VIAVirtual Infrastructure Access
VIAVicenza Institute of Architecture (University of Florida)
VIAViewable Image Area
VIAVideo Industry Association
VIAVaccine Information & Awareness
VIAValue Iteration Algorithm
VIAValencia Industrial Association
VIAVoice Infrastructure and Applications (Cisco)
VIAVAX Information Architecture (DEC)
VIAVideotex Industry Association
VIAVersatile Interface Adaptor
VIAValue Impact Analysis
VIAVirus Inactivating Agent
VIAValidity Interval Analysis (neural networks)
VIAVendor Independent ASIS
VIAVoice over IP Interoperability Alliance
VIAVehicle Internal Architecture
VIAVoice Internet-Age Architecture (Pingtel)