Acronym | Definition |
VTC | Vehicular Technology Conference |
VTC | Vocational Training Council |
VTC | Virtual Training Company |
VTC | Vermont Technical College (Randolph Center, VT, USA) |
VTC | Video Tape Cassette (InterVU) |
VTC | Video Teleconferencing |
VTC | Virginia Tourism Corporation |
VTC | Véhicule de Tourisme avec Chauffeur (French: Tourist Vehicle with Driver) |
VTC | Vintage Tone Control (music feature; various companies) |
VTC | Video Teleconference |
VTC | Variable Overlap Timing Control |
VTC | Van Technology Center |
VTC | Vertical Interval Time Code |
VTC | Virtual Tape Controller |
VTC | Virus Scan Thin Client |
VTC | Valve Timing Control |
VTC | Vessel Traffic Center |
VTC | Van Technology Center (DaimlerChrysler) |
VTC | Virginia Transformer Corp. |
VTC | Vertical Turning Center (machine tool) |
VTC | Valley TeleCom Group |
VTC | Virtual Teacher Centre (UK) |
VTC | Vein Treatment Center |
VTC | Virus Test Center (informatics, University of Hamburg) |
VTC | Vendor to Confirm |
VTC | Vocational Training Centers |
VTC | Vélo Tout Chemin (French: Hybrid bike for all roads) |
VTC | Voorhees Transportation Center (Rutgers) |
VTC | Video Teleconferencing Capability |
VTC | Vehicle Test Center |
VTC | Virtual Technology Corporation |
VTC | Voltage Transfer Characteristic |
VTC | Vernon Telephone Cooperative (Wesbty, Wisconsin) |
VTC | Valdosta Technical College (Valdosta, GA) |
VTC | Virtual Trade Commissioner (Canada) |
VTC | Vocational Training Certificate |
VTC | Valve Technology Console |
VTC | Ventura Transfer Co. (Long Beach, California) |
VTC | Virginia Tidewater Consortium for Higher Education |
VTC | Video Teleconference Center |
VTC | Voluntary Testing and Counseling |
VTC | Volvo Truck Corporation |
VTC | Visual Terminal Chart (New Zealand 1:250,000 aeronautical charts) |
VTC | Volume Texture Compression |
VTC | Virginia Turfgrass Council |
VTC | Virtual Tape Controller (IBM mainframes, storage management) |
VTC | Voluntary Trade Council |
VTC | Voltage Transfer Curve |
VTC | Vaccine Technology Center (India) |
VTC | Visual Team Calendar (software) |
VTC | Vesicular Tubular Cluster (biochemistry) |
VTC | Visceral Toxicosis of Catfish |
VTC | Venango Technology Center (Oil City, Pennsylvania) |
VTC | Virtual Team Collaboration |
VTC | Valhalla Training Center |
VTC | Vega Tool Corporation |
VTC | Virginia Transplant Council |
VTC | Verticaal Transport Centrum (Netherlands) |
VTC | Veicolo da Trasporto e Combattimento |
VTC | Victorian Theatre Company (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) |
VTC | Viasys Total Care |
VTC | Vision Technology Consulting |
VTC | Visual Thought Communication |
VTC | Vlaamse Thermie Coordinate |
VTC | Venture Theatre Company |
VTC | Vokietijos Teises Centras (Lithuania) |
VTC | Vital Telemetry Telecommand Computer |
VTC | Virtual Transportation Company |
VTC | Volume Tape Catalog |
VTC | Vehicle Transmit Count |
VTC | Vehicle T-Register Count |
VTC | Virtual Travel Community |
VTC | Vineyard Tennis Center (Vineyard Haven, MA) |
VTC | Video Teleconvergence (Sprint) |
VTC | Volcano Theater Company |
VTC | Variation to Contract |