Acronym | Definition |
WFR | Wilderness First Responder |
WFR | Wafer |
WFR | Workforce Ready (various companies) |
WFR | Workflow Runtime |
WFR | Wireless Firewall Router |
WFR | Wholesale Fire Rescue (Canada) |
WFR | Word Formation Rule |
WFR | Work Force Report (San Diego, CA) |
WFR | Wizard's First Rule (Terry Goodkind book) |
WFR | Western Fair Raceway |
WFR | Warrington Fire Research (UK) |
WFR | Work Force Reduction |
WFR | Weekblad Fiscaal Recht (Dutch: Weekly Tax Law; magazine) |
WFR | Water Fittings Regulations (UK) |
WFR | Waiting For Reply |
WFR | Wheal-and-Flare Reaction (immunology) |
WFR | Worcestershire and Foresters Regiment |
WFR | With Fried Rice (Chinese restaurants) |
WFR | Warmest Fraternal Regards (letter closing) |
WFR | Work from Remote |