WFSAWorld Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists
WFSAWildland Fire Situation Analysis
WFSAWorld Forum on the Future of Sport Shooting Activities
WFSAWelsh Federation of Sea Anglers
WFSAWildland Fire Leadership Council (est. 2002)
WFSAWasatch Front Ski Accommodations
WFSAWilhelm Furtwängler Society of America
WFSAWorld Federation and Society of Adolescentology
WFSAWomen's Foundation of Southern Arizona
WFSAWessex Film and Sound Archive
WFSAWeighted Finite State Acceptor
WFSAWeighted Finite State Automata
WFSAWorld Freestyle Skateboarding Association
WFSAWorld Food and Sustainable Agriculture
WFSAWelsh Football Supporters Association (UK)
WFSAWorld Freestyle Snowmobiling Association
WFSAWaltham Forest Socialist Alliance (UK)
WFSAWestern Financial Services Association
WFSAWinter Fox Ski Association, Inc. (Los Angeles, CA, USA)
WFSAWorkflow System Account (Microsoft SharePoint)
WFSAWestbere Frostbite Sailing Association (UK)
WFSAWuhan Free Software Association