WGAWindows Genuine Advantage (Microsoft)
WGAWriters Guild of America (union for screenwriters)
WGAWeb Gallery of Art (virtual art gallery)
WGAWise Giving Alliance (Better Business Bureau)
WGAWestern Governors' Association
WGAWestern Growers Association
WGAWheat Germ Agglutinin
WGAWhole Genome Association (species study)
WGAWireless Gaming Adapter
WGAWindows Genuine Advantage
WGAWhole-Genome Analysis
WGAWerkhervatting Gedeeltelijk Arbeidsgeschikten (Dutch)
WGAWarwick Graduates' Association (UK)
WGAWeight for Gestational Age (infants)
WGAWeek Gestational Age (infants)
WGAWisconsin Grocers Association
WGAWoody Guthrie Archives (Mt. Kisco, NY)
WGAWomens Golf Association
WGAWolf Group Asia (communications advisory firm; various locations)
WGAWhole of Government Approach
WGAWagga-Wagga, New South Wales, Australia - Forest Hill (Airport Code)
WGAWisconsin Geocaching Association
WGAWorld Canadian Bureau (South Park)
WGAWashington Gamers Association (Washington, DC)
WGAWild Goose Association
WGAWaste Gas Assembly
WGAWaveguide Approach