Acronym | Definition |
ZRP | Zamfirescu Racoti Predoiu (Romanian law firm) |
ZRP | Zimbabwe Republic Police |
ZRP | Zone Routing Protocol |
ZRP | Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie (German: Journal of Romance Philology; est. 1877) |
ZRP | Zirconium Phosphate |
ZRP | Zyxin-Related Protein |
ZRP | Zarphatic (SIL code for an extinct language of France) |
ZRP | Zambian Republican Party |
ZRP | Zero Range Process |
ZRP | Zona Radiata Protein |
ZRP | Zero Range Potential |
ZRP | Zinc Rich Paint |
ZRP | Rigid Patrol Airship (US Navy) |
ZRP | Zinc Rich Primers |
ZRP | Zone de Responsabilité Permanente (French) |
ZRP | Zonal Research Program |
ZRP | Zero Resistance Performance |
ZRP | Zoric Race Products |
ZRP | Zero Reply Post (internet forum) |
ZRP | ZdravReform Program |
ZRP | Zero Right Prime |
ZRP | Zeidler Roberts Partnership, Inc |
ZRP | Zone de Réserve des Pêches |
ZRP | Provisioning Support Request Transaction |
ZRP | Zimmerly Rock Products |
ZRP | Zero Retinomotor Point |
ZRP | Pennsylvania Railway Station |
ZRP | Zone per la Raccolta della Popolazione |