WMDWeapons of Mass Destruction
WMDWater Management District
WMDWorld's Most Dangerous
WMDWeighted Mean Difference
WMDWeapons of Mass Deception
WMDWindows Media Device
WMDWindows Mediaplayer Download
WMDWeapons of Mass Distraction
WMDWife, Mother, Daughter
WMDWorld Movement for Democracy
WMDWaste Management Division
WMDWashington Military Department (Tacoma, WA)
WMDWet Macular Degeneration (eye disease)
WMDWhite Muscle Disease
WMDWorkers' Memorial Day (Worlwide Trades Unions)
WMDWeapons of Mass Disruption
WMDWeights and Measures Division (US NIST)
WMDWorld Marriage Day
WMDWhere's My Droid (software application)
WMDWindows Media Device (Microsoft)
WMDWater Management Division
WMDWorld Maths Day
WMDWearable Medical Device
WMDWhy Men Die
WMDWhite Male Dominance
WMDWestern Military District
WMDWarren McKeon Dickson (Sydney, Australia law firm)
WMDWaiver of Monthly Deduction (insurance)
WMDWork-Related Musculoskeletal Disorder
WMDWorld Message Day (anti-war website)
WMDWheresmydad (UK charity)
WMDWork Management Department
WMDWhich Medical Device (medical device review website)