Acronym | Definition |
VIB | Vibration |
VIB | Verliebt in Berlin (German soap opera: In love in Berlin) |
VIB | Video Image Buffer |
VIB | Virtual Library |
VIB | Vlaams Interuniversitair Instituut Voor Biotechnologie (Flanders Interuniversity Institute for Biotechnology) |
VIB | VMware Installation Bundle (software) |
VIB | Virginia Institute of Blacksmithing (Waynesboro, VA) |
VIB | Virginia Industries for the Blind |
VIB | Vertical Integration Building |
VIB | Visual Interface Builder (software) |
VIB | Vast Interface Bulletin |
VIB | Verastream Information Broker (WRQ Inc.) |
VIB | Virus Inclusion Body |