WMMWindows Movie Maker (Microsoft)
WMMWomen Make Movies (New York, NY non profit feminist film productions)
WMMWireless Multimedia
WMMWindows Movie Maker
WMMWebsphere Member Manager
WMMWi-Fi Multi Media
WMMWireless Multi Media
WMMWinmx Manager
WMMWorking Mother Media
WMMWell Manicured Man
WMMWorld Magnetic Model
WMMWiFi Multi Media
WMMWatershed Management Model
WMMWet Mix Macadam (transportation engineering)
WMMWaste Military Munitions (hazardous residue)
WMMWorld Movement of Mothers (France)
WMMWeb Media Marketing (Romania)
WMMWave Matching-Method
WMMWeapons Materials and Manufacturing (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
WMMWorld Market Monitor (Global Insight data product)