WMMAWorld of Mixed Martial Arts (gaming)
WMMAWood Machinery Manufacturers of America
WMMAWestern Montana Mycological Association
WMMAWisconsin Marketing and Management Association
WMMAWorld Missions Ministerial Association
WMMAWord of Mouth Marketing Association (also seen as WOMMA)
WMMAWhite Mountain Musical Arts (North Conway, NH)
WMMAWhite Mountain Martial Arts (Littleton, NH)
WMMAWaste Management of Massachusetts, Inc.
WMMAWaste Materials Management Act
WMMAWater Mixing & Measuring Appliance
WMMAWest Marshall Merchants Association (Pennsylvania)
WMMAWestern Mine Maintenance Association
WMMAWireless Multimedia Adapter
WMMAWoodstock Mixed Martial Arts (Woodstock, Illinois)
WMMAWorld Mixed Martial Arts Federation, Inc.
WMMAWaste Materials Management Association