AILAcceptance in Lieu (taxes; UK)
AILAdventures in Life (mission organization)
AILAileron (aviation)
AILAmerican Income Life (insurance company)
AILAssociação Internacional de Lusitanistas (Portuguese: International Lusitania Association)
AILAssociazione Italiana Contro Le Leucemie, Linfomi E Mieloma
AILApar Industries Ltd. (India)
AILAudio Interface Library
AILAudio Input Left
AILAfghan Institute of Learning
AILAccademia Italiana Di Lingua (Italian international association of schools)
AILAll-Ireland League
AILAdvanced Imaging Laboratory
AILAdventures in Learning (Oregon State University)
AILArtificial Intelligence Laboratory
AILArtists in Labs (Zurich, Switzerland)
AILAccidentally in Love (song title)
AILAziende Industriali di Lugano SA
AILAdvanced Intercross Lines
AILAchievement Institute of Language
AILAirborne Instruments Laboratory
AILApproved Issuer Levy (New Zealand)
AILArab International Logistics
AILAtlantic Industries Ltd
AILAction Item List
AILAvionics Integration Laboratory
AILAmateur Inline League (inline skating)
AILAggressive In-Line (sport)
AILAnti Imperialist League
AILAdvanced Imagery Library
AILAncarim Iron Legion (Star Wars group)
AILAssociation Isépienne du Libre (French student association)
AILAudco India Ltd
AILAverage Item Level (World of Warcraft)
AILAnimation International Ltd
AILAnti-Internment League (Northern Ireland)
AILAids to Independent Living (Canadian Red Cross)
AILAiligandi Airport (Panama)
AILAgent Infrastructure Layer
AILApplication Interface Layer
AILAntarctic Infrastructure and Logistics (NSF Office of Polar Programs)
AILAssociate of the Institute of Linguists
AILAmbient Intelligence Lab
AILAtelier d'Ingénierie de La Louvière (Belgium)
AILAdvanced Innovations Ltd
AILARTS Integration Laboratory
AILAsset Interchange Language
AILAdvance Information Letter
AILAutomated Integrated Language
AILAssign Interswitch Link
AILAutomotive Industries Limited
AILACES International Ltd
AILArterial ICC (Interstitial Cells of Cajal)-Like
AILAvailability/Improvement List (commercial aviation)
AILAgencia Informativa Latinoamericana
AILAnswerthink India Limited