CHECollege of Human Ecology
CHESwitzerland (ISO Country code)
CHECollaborative on Health and the Environment
CHEChemical Engineer
CHECatholic Health East
CHECertificate of Higher Education (various locations)
CHECouncil on Higher Education
CHECargo-Handling Equipment (US DoD)
CHEChronicle of Higher Education
CHEChristelijke Hogeschool Ede (Dutch: Ede Christian University; Ede, Netherlands)
CHECommission for Higher Education (various nations)
CHECombined Heat Exchanger
CHECompact Heat Exchanger (thermal physics)
CHECulture, History and Environment (University of Wisconsin)
CHEContainer-Handling Equipment (US DoD)
CHEComprehensive Health Education
CHECustom Hardware Engineering
CHECentre for Health Economics
CHECommunity Health Epidemiology
CHECenter for Human Emergence (Denton, TX)
CHEConservation of the Historic Environment (UK)
CHEComplex Humanitarian Emergency (disaster event)
CHECentre for Human Ecology (Scotland)
CHEChannel Hot Electron
CHEContinuing Health Education
CHECampaign for Homosexual Equality
CHECertified Healthcare Executive
CHECentre for Health Evidence
CHECollege of Home Economics
CHECelebrity Home Entertainment (video distributor)
CHEChristian Home Educators
CHECenter for Health Equality (Drexel University; Philadelphia, PA)
CHEClarion Hungary Electronics
CHECommunity Health Educator
CHECenter for Health and the Environment
CHEChannel Hot Electron Injection
CHECenter for Health Ethics (University of Missouri)
CHECercle Homo Etudiant (French homosexual student association; Belgium)
CHECenter for Health Enhancement
CHECiti Home Equity (Citimortgage)
CHECascadia Health Educators
CHECoefficient of Hydroscopic Expansion
CHECouncil for Human Ecology (Kenya)
CHECertified Home Economist
CHECentre for Home Education UK
CHECitizens for a Healthy Environment
CHECollaborative Health on the Environment