C2CCorner to Corner (Crochet)
C2CCradle to Cradle (product design sustainability concept)
C2CChance to Change (various organizations)
C2CCoast to Coast (walk)
C2CChance to Choose (various organizations)
C2CConsumer-to-Consumer (commerce)
C2CCapacity to Change (various organizations)
C2CCar-to-Car (automotive technology)
C2CCheek to Cheek (Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga album)
C2CCenter to Center
C2CContract to Contract (employment)
C2CCar to Car
C2CConsumer to Consumer
C2CClient to Client
C2CClick to Call
C2CCarrier to Carrier
C2CCaveman to Cosmos (gaming)
C2CCam to Cam (webcam)
C2CConnect to Community
C2CCommunity to Community (Association; Bellingham, WA)
C2CColleague to Colleague (Kansas and Missouri; education)
C2CComputer to Computer
C2CCloud to Coast
C2CClassroom to Classroom (various locations)
C2CCarrier to Carrier Telecom (Netherlands)
C2CCoil to Can (aluminum can manufacturing)
C2CContainers to Clinics (Dover, MA)
C2CCorp to Corp
C2CChip-to-Chip (computer chip design)
C2CCash-To-Cash Cycle
C2CCrude to Customer (energy value chain)
C2CCity 2 City (Singtel)
C2CCare to Chat
C2CConcept to Customer
C2CCourage to Care
C2CCommand and Control Constellation
C2CCost to Company
C2CCheck to Check (money transfer)
C2CCollege to Corporate
C2CCadet 2nd Class
C2CCall to Consciousness (band)
C2CCouples 2 Couples
C2CCampus to Career (various schools)