Acronym | Definition |
AIO | All in One |
AIO | Adventures in Odyssey |
AIO | Assistent in Opleiding |
AIO | Associazione Italiana Odontoiatri |
AIO | Audio Input Output |
AIO | Asynchronous Input Output |
AIO | Aquittement Input Output |
AIO | Amerta Indah Otsuka (Indonesia) |
AIO | Adapt, Improvise, Overcome |
AIO | Asynchronous Input/Output |
AIO | Analog Input/Output |
AIO | Attitudes, Interests, Opinions (market research) |
AIO | Anthropological Index Online (monthly bibliographic references to over 700 periodicals in the British Museum's Museum of Mankind library) |
AIO | Activities, Interests and Opinions |
AIO | Amiga Information Online |
AIO | Assistant in Opleiding |
AIO | All in Order (police reports) |
AIO | Acadia Institute of Oceanography |
AIO | Air Intelligence Officer |
AIO | African Insurance Organization (Cameroon) |
AIO | Arctic Iñupiat Offshore, LLC (Mexico) |
AIO | Action Information Organization |
AIO | Australian Imagery Organisation |
AIO | Arecibo Ionospheric Observatory (Puerto Rico) |
AIO | Acquisition Integration Office |
AIO | Air Interdiction Officer |
AIO | Aerospace Information Operations |
AIO | Assistant Immigration Officer |
AIO | Advances In Osteoporosis |
AIO | Asset Identification Officer (US Air Force) |