CCAICalifornia Conference of Arson Investigators (Pomona, CA)
CCAICongressional Coalition on Adoption Institute
CCAIChinese Children Adoption International
CCAIChemical Coaters Association International
CCAICisco Certified Academy Instructor
CCAICross-Cultural Adaptability Inventory (self-assessment instrument)
CCAIChandra Commercial & Art Institute (India)
CCAICalculated Carbon Aromaticity Index
CCAICanadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
CCAICoalition for Clean Air Implementation (EPA)
CCAIChild Care Association of Illinois
CCAIChambre de Conciliation et d'Arbitrage en Matière Immobilière (French: Board of Conciliation and Arbitration for Real Estate; Belgium)
CCAICertified Commercial Apartment Instructor (National Apartment Marketing Institute, Inc.)
CCAICall Center Application Interface
CCAIChamber of Commerce of the Apparel Industry (New York, New York)