CCARComprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (Federal Reserve)
CCARCentral Conference of American Rabbis
CCARCalifornia Climate Action Registry
CCARCoordinating Committee for Automotive Repair
CCARChurch of Central Africa in Rhodesia (est. 1945)
CCARColorado Center for Astrodynamics Research
CCARConnecticut Community for Addiction Recovery
CCARCompact Car
CCARCisco Certified Architect (business network designer; trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc.; also seen as CCA)
CCARCustomer Corrective Action Report (various companies)
CCARComprehensive Cost and Requirement (System)
CCARChild Care Assistance and Referral (program)
CCARCarpet Capital Association of Realtors
CCARCenter for Coastal and Atmospheric Research
CCARChina Civil Aviation Regulations
CCARCanadian Centre for Adolescent Research
CCARConcern and Corrective Action Report
CCARCost Change Action Request
CCARCentralized Channel Assignment and Routing