Acronym | Definition |
BIE | Bureau of Indian Education (Washington, DC) |
BIE | Bureau International des Expositions |
BIE | Buck Institute for Education (Novato, CA) |
BIE | Banco de Informacion Economica (Spanish: Economic Data Bank; Mexico) |
BIE | Boot Image Extractor |
BIE | Base Station Interface Equipment |
BIE | Business Integration Engine |
BIE | Bottled in England (band) |
BIE | Boundary Integral Equation |
BIE | Berkeley Institute of the Environment (California) |
BIE | Business in the Environment |
BIE | Bureau of Industry Economics (Australia) |
BIE | Business Information Entity |
BIE | Bureau voor de Industriële Eigendom (Dutch: Netherlands Industrial Property Office) |
BIE | British Institute of Embalmers (West Midlands, England) |
BIE | Britain in Europe (UK political party) |
BIE | Bioenergetic Intolerance Elimination (allergy treatment) |
BIE | Blackboard Idea Exchange (software development) |
BIE | Bachelor of Industrial Engineering |
BIE | Bureau de l'Intégration des Étrangers (French: Office of the Integration of Foreigners; Switzerland) |
BIE | Bintan Industrial Estate (Singapore) |
BIE | Bullous Ichthyosiform Erythroderma |
BIE | Brakes in Emergency |
BIE | Business Information Exchange (Engine) |
BIE | Business Intelligence Environment |
BIE | Balzan Immer Etanchéité SA (French: Balzan Immer Waterproofing SA; Switzerland) |
BIE | Bureau Internationale de l'Education |
BIE | Bourse Internationale de l'Emploi (French; employment service; Switzerland) |
BIE | Biggest Idiot Ever (internet slang) |
BIE | Business Interruption Event |
BIE | British Irish Exchange |
BIE | Bachelor in Economics |
BIE | Bureau Intercommunal de l'Emploi (French: Intercommunal Employment Office) |
BIE | Beyond Imagination Entertainment (Australia) |