Acronym | Definition |
CHM | Chemistry |
CHM | Champaign-Urbana (Amtrak station code; Champaign-Urbana, IL) |
CHM | Chemistry of Hazardous Materials |
CHM | Clearing House Mechanism (various organizations) |
CHM | Chairman |
CHM | College of Human Medicine |
CHM | Computer History Museum |
CHM | Children's Hospital of Michigan |
CHM | Commission on Human Medicines (Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency; UK) |
CHM | Canopy Height Model (trees) |
CHM | Cooperative Hyper Media |
CHM | Compiled Html |
CHM | Compiled Help Manager |
CHM | Compressed Html |
CHM | Culture & Heritage Museums (Rock Hill, SC) |
CHM | Chinese Herbal Medicine |
CHM | Chill House Music |
CHM | Checkmate |
CHM | Choroideremia |
CHM | Centre Historique Minier de Lewarde (French: Lewarde Mining History Center; Lewarde, France) |
CHM | Colorado History Museum (Denver, CO) |
CHM | Compiled HTML Help Format |
CHM | cultural heritage management |
CHM | Common Heritage of Mankind |
CHM | Communication Homme-Machine (French) |
CHM | Choir Master (Royal College of Organists) |
CHM | Center for the History of Medicine (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI) |
CHM | Congregational Health Ministry |
CHM | Congregation of the Humility of Mary (religious order) |
CHM | Considering Homeschooling Ministry |
CHM | Chirurgiae Magister (Master of Surgery) |
CHM | Canadian Healthcare Manager |
CHM | Club Hippique de Meaux (French: Meaux Equestrian Club; Meaux, France) |
CHM | Commission on Home Ministries |
CHM | Centre d'Histoire Médiévale (French: Medieval History Center) |
CHM | Computer and Hi-Tech Management Company |