Acronym | Definition |
BLF | Busy Lamp Field |
BLF | Bluff |
BLF | Bellows Falls (Vermont) |
BLF | British Lung Foundation (UK) |
BLF | Big Lottery Fund (UK) |
BLF | Billboard Liberation Front |
BLF | Business Leaders Forum |
BLF | Builders Labourers Federation (Australia) |
BLF | Beard Liberation Front (UK) |
BLF | Banque Libano-Francaise |
BLF | Bovine Lactoferrin |
BLF | Best Lesbian Friend |
BLF | Better Life Foundation (various locations) |
BLF | Business License Fee (various locations) |
BLF | Bluefield, WV, USA (Airport Code) |
BLF | Baloch Liberation Front |
BLF | Ballast Lumen Factor (lighting ratio) |
BLF | Svenska Barnläkarföreningen |
BLF | Big Lazy Fart |
BLF | Busy Line Field |
BLF | Biodiversity Legal Foundation (Boulder, Colorado) |
BLF | Beach Landing Facility (energy) |
BLF | Business Leadership Forum |
BLF | Base Lexicale du Français (French: Lexical Database of French) |
BLF | Berkeley Law Foundation |
BLF | Bruce Lee Foundation (Los Angeles, CA) |
BLF | Ballerina Liberation Front (Dutch band) |
BLF | Biblical Literature Fellowship (Wheaton, IL) |
BLF | Building Limes Forum |
BLF | Black Line Fever |
BLF | Black Leadership Forum, Inc. |
BLF | Bekkelagshøgda Lokalhistoriske Forening (Norway) |
BLF | Bubble Lattice File |
BLF | Black Liberation Front |
BLF | BottomLine Foods |
BLF | Blue Low-Fluence (light) |
BLF | Beiruti Law Firm (Jordan) |
BLF | Bibles & Literature in French (Wheaton, IL) |
BLF | Brûlé Lathus Forage (French drilling company) |
BLF | Bildleverantorernas Forening |
BLF | Black Locust Farm |
BLF | Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation |
BLF | Byggevare Leverandør Foreningen (Denmark) |
BLF | Business Lending Fundamentals |
BLF | Beta Leadership Fund |
BLF | BigSender Language File |
BLF | Batman LEGO Film |
BLF | Bapak Legacy Fund |
BLF | Brønderslev Lystfiskeriforening (Denmark) |
BLF | Bright Light Foundation |
BLF | Al Bihery Law Firm |
BLF | Bermuda Leadership Forum |
BLF | Bulk Light Fraction |
BLF | Bottom Loading Furnace |
BLF | Boisés La Fleur (French: The Woodland Flower; Canada) |
BLF | Bit-Lock Flag |
BLF | Biggest Little Fellowship |
BLF | Bluffton University (Bluffton, OH) |
BLF | Belmont Library Foundation (Belmont, Massachusetts) |
BLF | Bright Lights Film |
BLF | Beulah Land Farm |
BLF | Branch Landscape Forester |
BLF | Balanced Learning Format |
BLF | Blind Flange |
BLF | Buckeye Liberty Foundation (Ohio) |
BLF | Bolivarian Liberation Front (Venezuela) |
BLF | BudgetLightForum (website) |
BLF | Business Law Forum (various locations) |
BLF | Bonded Labor Fund (Pakistan) |
BLF | Bayerischer Landesverein für Familienkunde eV |
BLF | Bicycle Liberation Front |
BLF | Brian Larrabure Framing (Chatsworty, CA) |
BLF | Berlin Leder and Fetisch |
BLF | Breakeven Load Factor (airlines) |
BLF | Best Line Fence (Huntsville, AL) |
BLF | Bottom Line Financial |
BLF | Bryant Law Firm (Tulsa, OK) |
BLF | Barely Legal Fabrications |