CERSCerus Corporation (stock symbol)
CERSCenter for Excellence in Rural Safety (University of Minnesota)
CERSConsumer Education and Research Society (Ahmedabad, India)
CERSCentre for Relationship Marketing and Service Management (Hanken School of Economics; Helsinki, Finland)
CERSCertified Expert Recovery Specialist (Lunarline School of Cybersecurity; various locations)
CERSCertified Employee Retention Specialist
CERSCommittee to Elect a Republican Senate (Wisconsin)
CERSCrew Emergency Rescue System
CERSCrew Equipment Retrieval System
CERSCollection/Exam Referral System
CERSCarrier Evaluation & Reporting System
CERSCommander Emergency Recovery Section
CERSClass Event and Resource Scheduler (STASS)
CERSCombat Environment Realism System