CERTComputer Emergency Response Team
CERTComputer Emergency Readiness Team (US government)
CERTComprehensive Error Rate Testing (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services)
CERTCommunity Emergency Response Team
CERTCarbon Emissions Reduction Target (UK)
CERTCommunity Emergency Response Training (various locations)
CERTCertificado de Reembolso Tributario (Spanish: Tax Refund Certificate; Colombia)
CERTClean Energy Resource Team (Minnesota)
CERTCritical Emergency Response Team
CERTCitizens Emergency Response Team
CERTCouncil of Energy Resource Tribes (group of Native American tribes with energy resources, since 1976; Denver, CO and Washington, DC, USA)
CERTCommittee on Energy Research and Technology (International Energy Agency)
CERTCorrectional Emergency Response Team (Indiana)
CERTCampus Emergency Response Team
CERTCorrections Emergency Response Team
CERTCentre d'Etudes et de Recherches de Toulouse (French)
CERTCentre for Economic Reform and Transformation (Scottish)
CERTCrisis Emergency Response Team
CERTCorporate Equity Reduction Transaction (US IRS)
CERTCombined Environmental Reliability Testing
CERTCenter of Excellence for Applied Research & Training
CERTCalifornia Education Round Table
CERTColorado Evolution Response Team
CERTCommunication Emergency Response Team
CERTComposite Electrical Readiness Test (NASA)
CERTCenter for Emergency Response Technology
CERTCertified Electronic Reporter and Transcriber (American Association of Electronic Reporters and Transcribers)
CERTCognitive Emotional Restructuring Therapy
CERTConcordia Emergency Response Team (Concordia University; Canada)
CERTCommittee of Emergency Response Team
CERTChildren's Emergency Relief Team
CERTCenter of Research and Training
CERTCrew Escape and Rescue Technique
CERTCertificate/Certification of Eligibility
CERTCommunity Enforcement Response Team (Las Cruces, NM)