Acronym | Definition |
CIDN | Convención Internacional Sobre los Derechos del Niño (Spanish) |
CIDN | Consejo Ibérico para la defensa de la Naturaleza (Spanish) |
CIDN | Centre Interuniversitaire de Droit Notarial (French: Interuniversity Notarial Law Center; Belgium) |
CIDN | Canine Inherited Demyelinative Neuropathy |
CIDN | Centro de Información y Documentación (Spanish) |
CIDN | Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (Mark Haddon book) |
CIDN | Contrôles Inhibiteurs Diffus Induits par Stimulation Nociceptive (French) |
CIDN | Conseil Ibérique pour la Défense de la Nature (Spanish: Iberian Council for the Defence of Nature) |
CIDN | China Internet Domain Names |
CIDN | Cultureel Identificatie Nummer (Dutch) |
CIDN | Circuit Identification Number |
CIDN | Certified Interior Designer of Nebraska |
CIDN | Consultoría Integral en Desarrollo de Negocíos (Spanish) |