CALCopyright Agency Limited (Australia)
CALClient Access License (Microsoft)
CALCalifornia (old style)
CALContinental Airlines, Inc. (stock symbol)
CALUniversity of California, Berkeley
CALCenter for Applied Linguistics
CALClass Action Lawsuit
CALComputer Assisted Learning
CALCalgary, Alberta
CALComputer-Aided Learning
CALComputer Aided Learning
CALCommercial and Administrative Law (US subcommittee)
CALCertified Automotive Locksmith (Associated Locksmiths of America)
CALCanadian-American League (sports)
CALCalando (Music, gradually slower, and with decreasing volume of tone)
CALCayman Airways, Ltd. (Cayman Islands)
CALCatholic Athletic League
CALCenter for Association Leadership
CALCollege of Arts Letters (various locations)
CALComando de Apoyo Logístico (Spanish: Logistics Support Command; Guatemala)
CALCape Ann League (Massachusetts)
CALCalendar Access Library
CALClient Access License
CALComputer Aided Logistics
CALCompiler Abstraction Layer
CALCyberathlete Amateur League
CALChristian Academy of Louisville (Kentucky)
CALCyberathlete Amateur League (gaming)
CALCoastal Arts League (Half Moon Bay, CA)
CALCharlotte Art League (North Carolina)
CALCatholic Action League (various locations)
CALContemporary A Cappella League (singing)
CALComputer Architecture Laboratory (various schools)
CALSmall Calorie (referring to heating 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius)
CALCenter for Army Leadership
CALClinical Attachment Loss (periodontics)
CALComputer-Aided Logistics
CALLarge Calorie (referring to heating 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius)
CALComputer Applications Laboratory (various organizations)
CALChronic Airflow Limitation
CALContract and Agency Labor
CALCategory Assurance List (US DoD)
CALCentre d'Amélioration du Logement (French: Housing Improvement Center)
CALCakewalk Application Language
CALCAN Application Layer (part of CAN protocol)
CALCornell Aeronautical Laboratory
CALCommon Application Language
CALChina Airlines, Taiwan (ICAO code)
CALCafé Au Lait spots
CALCentre Antoine Lacassagne
CALCanadian Agriculture Library
CALConférence Francophone sur les Architectures Logicielles
CALCapital Allocation Line
CALCoopérative Agricole Lorraine (French: Lorraine Agricultural Cooperative; Lorraine, France)
CALCriterion Attribute Library (personality instrument; UK)
CALConfirmatory Action Letter
CALCustomer Access Line
CALCustomer Acceptance Line (Ford)
CALCell-Assisted Lipotransfer (soft-tissue augmentation surgery)
CALCenter for Anabaptist Leadership (Pasadena, California)
CALConfined Area Landing
CALConversational Algebraic Language
CALContinuous Acquisition and Lifecycle Support
CALChronic Airway Limitation
CALCenter for Accelerated Learning (now Tutoring and Academic Success Center; Stark State College of Technology)
CALCommon Assembly Language
CALComité Actions Logement (French: Housing Action Committee)
CALComputer Animation Language
CALComputer-Aided Lofting
CALClocked CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor) Adiabatic Logic
CALCoopérative Agricole Laitière (French: Dairy Agricultural Cooperative)
CALCrash and Learn (airplane simulator gaming)
CALCentre Alsace Levage (French: Alsace Lifting Center; Sainte-Croix-en-Plaine, Alsace, France)
CALCurrent Access Level
CALCercle de l'Aviron de Lyon (French: Lyon Rowing Club; Lyon, France)
CALSystem Calibration Test
CALCocoa Association of London Ltd.
CALCalibration Procedures/Instructions (TMINS)
CALCommand Authorization List
CALChemical Assessment Laboratory
CALClub Athlétique de l'Haÿ-Les-Roses (French: Athletic Club of l'Hay-les-Roses; L'Hay-les-Roses, France)
CALChannel Authorization Level
CALCentro de Atención en Línea (Colombia)
CALCredits to Avoid Lapse (insurance)
CALContextes et Apprentissages Linguistiques (French: Context and Language Learning)
CALCercle Amical Lannemezan (French: Lannemezan Friendship Circle; Lannemezan, France)
CALComplex ANDing Logarithm
CALClassified Action Log
CALCompetitive Analysis Logic (Chart)