CCOTCódigo de Operación de Traslado
CCOTCritical Care Outreach Team
CCOTChild Care Orientation Training
CCOTCool Cruisers of Texas
CCOTChange and Continuity Over Time (AP world history test)
CCOTCenter City Opera Theater (Philadelphia, PA)
CCOTCycling Clutch Orifice Tube system
CCOTCentre de Coordination des Opérations et des Transmissions
CCOTCentre County Office of Transportation
CCOTClear Cell Odontogenic Tumor
CCOTCatholic Council of Trent
CCOTClark County Outreach Team (Nevada)
CCOTConfederation of Consumer Organizations, Thailand
CCOTCosmic Church of Truth (Jacksonville, FL)
CCOTChanging Concepts of Time
CCOTClarkson College of Technology
CCOTCambridge Community Outreach Tabernacle (Cambridge, MA)
CCOTCalvary Chapel of the Triad
CCOTCalgon Carbon Oxidation Technologies
CCOTComputer Centers of Operations Training
CCOTCollision Center of Temecula (Temecula, CA)
CCOTConcerned Citizens of Today
CCOTCayuga County Office of Tourism (New York)
CCOTColumbus Celebration of Tampa
CCOTCentro de Cirurgia Ortopédica e Traumatológica
CCOTCalifornia College of Technology (Sacramento, CA)
CCOTCahier des Charges des Opérations Terrain
CCOTConvention des Nations Unies contre le crime organisé transnational
CCOTCanadian College of Online Training