Acronym | Definition |
CCPI | Climate Change Performance Index |
CCPI | Composite Consumer Price Index |
CCPI | Clean Coal Power Initiative (US Department of Energy; est. 2002) |
CCPI | Chernobyl Children's Project International |
CCPI | Convention Communication Provisioners, Inc. |
CCPI | Camp Casey Peace Institute (Crawford, TX) |
CCPI | Citizens Concerned for the People of Iraq |
CCPI | Calhoun County Paranormal Investigators (Cedar Falls, IA) |
CCPI | College Career Professionals of Iowa |
CCPI | Consultative Committee on Public Information (UN) |
CCPI | Cumulative Cost Performance Index |
CCPI | Cia de Communicationes Personales del Interior (Argentina) |
CCPI | Compaq Continuous Profiling Infrastructure (formerly Digital Continuous Profiling Infrastructure) |
CCPI | Catawba County Paranormal Investigators (North Carolina) |