Acronym | Definition |
CCQ | Commission de la Construction du Québec (French) |
CCQ | Client Capabilities Query |
CCQ | Controlled Connection Queue |
CCQ | Chili Con Queso (food) |
CCQ | Civil Code of Quebec |
CCQ | Céphalées Chroniques Quotidiennes (French: Chronic Daily Headache) |
CCQ | Cross Crew Qualification (Airbus Industrie) |
CCQ | Critical Care Quarterly |
CCQ | Chambre de Commerce de Québec (French: Quebec Chamber of Commerce; Quebec, Canada) |
CCQ | Circulos de Controle de Qualidade |
CCQ | Concept Checking Question |
CCQ | Conseils Consultatifs de Quartier (French: Neighborhood Advisory Councils) |
CCQ | Club Civic Quebec |
CCQ | Cadet in Charge of Quarters |
CCQ | Client Connection Quality (computing) |
CCQ | Squadron Section Commander (USAF) |
CCQ | Communauté de Communes du Quercitain (French: Quercitain Community of Communes; Le Quesnoy, France) |
CCQ | Court Companions Queensland Ltd |
CCQ | Centre Commun de Quantimétrie (French: Joint Quantimeter Center; University of Lyon) |