Acronym | Definition |
CCR | Center for Cancer Research (NIH) |
CCR | California Code of Regulations |
CCR | Center for Constitutional Rights |
CCR | Central Contractor Registry |
CCR | Consumer Confidence Report (safe drinking water) |
CCR | Creedence Clearwater Revival (band) |
CCR | Central Contractor Registration (US DoD contractor/vendor database system) |
CCR | Customer Care Representative (various companies) |
CCR | Continuity of Care Record |
CCR | Child Care Resources |
CCR | Code of Colorado Regulations |
CCR | Counterparty Credit Risk |
CCR | Concurrency and Coordination Runtime (computing) |
CCR | Canadian Canoe Routes (resource) |
CCR | Closed Circuit Rebreather (SCUBA) |
CCR | Cluster Continuous Replication (Microsoft Exchange Server) |
CCR | Canadian Council for Refugees |
CCR | Coca-Cola Refreshments (Coca-Cola Company) |
CCR | Creedence Clearwater Revisited (band) |
CCR | Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (insurance; real estate) |
CCR | Corporate Citizenship Report |
CCR | Credit Control Request (online charging) |
CCR | Conference Committee Report |
CCR | Computer Communication Review (technical newsletter for ACM SIGCOMM) |
CCR | Centre for Conflict Resolution |
CCR | Cross Canadian Ragweed (band) |
CCR | Center for Collaborative Research (various organizations) |
CCR | Channel Control Register |
CCR | Change Control Request |
CCR | Core Client Registrar |
CCR | Cluster Continuous Replication |
CCR | Call Completion Rate |
CCR | Current Cell Rate |
CCR | Companhia de Concessoes Rodoviárias (Portugese) |
CCR | Catholic Charismatic Renewal |
CCR | C-C Chemokine Receptor |
CCR | Center for Conflict Resolution |
CCR | Circulatory and Respiratory |
CCR | Cache Control Register (computing) |
CCR | Central Coast Region (various locations) |
CCR | Condition Code Register |
CCR | California Cancer Registry |
CCR | Center for Computational Research |
CCR | Coordinated Community Response |
CCR | Cinema Com Rapadura (Portugese) |
CCR | Consiglio Comunale dei Ragazzi (Italian) |
CCR | Cash-on-Cash Return (finance/investing) |
CCR | Certified Court Reporter |
CCR | Coal Combustion Residue |
CCR | Criteria Change Request |
CCR | Comissão de Cidadania e Reprodução (Portugese, Brazil) |
CCR | Central Cancer Registry |
CCR | Council for Chemical Research |
CCR | Center for Cardiovascular Research |
CCR | Cherry Creek Radio (various locations) |
CCR | Center for Climatic Research (University of Wisconsin-Madison) |
CCR | Caisse Centrale de Reassurance (French) |
CCR | Climate Change Research |
CCR | California Clapper Rail (species) |
CCR | Cargo Control Room |
CCR | Cross-Cultural Research |
CCR | Commission on Civil Rights |
CCR | Central Control Room |
CCR | Center for Clinical Research |
CCR | Centre for Cultural Research (Australia) |
CCR | College of Court Reporting |
CCR | Curly Coated Retriever (dog breed) |
CCR | Coordinated Compliance Review |
CCR | Centre Commun de Recherche (French: Joint Research Center; EU) |
CCR | Chris Craft Roamer (boats) |
CCR | Cardiocerebral Resuscitation (cardiac arrest) |
CCR | Constant Current Regulator |
CCR | Center for Coastal Resources (Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Boston, MA) |
CCR | Community College Review (publishing) |
CCR | Coyote Creek Ranch (Colorado) |
CCR | Cedar County Republican (est. 1886; Stockton, MO) |
CCR | Corporate Community Relations |
CCR | Credit Card Relief (consumer finance) |
CCR | Critical Customer Requirement |
CCR | Center for Communications Research |
CCR | Cancer Control Research (Canada) |
CCR | Coriell Cell Repositories |
CCR | Configuration Change Request |
CCR | Creatinine Clearance Rate |
CCR | Current Cell Rate (ATMF) |
CCR | Cape Cod Railroad (Massachusetts) |
CCR | Call Center Review (software) |
CCR | Caisse Centrale de Reescompte (French) |
CCR | Corporate Crime Reporter (Washington, DC) |
CCR | Credit Card Receivables |
CCR | Closed-Cycle Refrigerator |
CCR | Cost Credit |
CCR | Capital Collateral Representative |
CCR | Call Center Representative |
CCR | China Chemical Reporter |
CCR | Conradson Carbon Residue |
CCR | Continuing Certification Requirement |
CCR | Certificat de Changement de Résidence (French: Certificate of Change of Residence; various nations) |
CCR | Correct Classification Rate (statistics) |
CCR | Center for Consumer Research |
CCR | Cross-Cutting Review (of Science and Research; UK) |
CCR | Clone-Controlled Replication |
CCR | Cardiac, Circulatory and Respiratory |
CCR | Compagnie des Contractants Régionaux (French: Regional Contracting Company) |
CCR | Corner Cube Reflector |
CCR | Criminal Courts Review (UK) |
CCR | Central Consultancy Register (EU Phare and Tacis Programmes database) |
CCR | Cork Campus Radio |
CCR | Cafeteria Conference Room (various organizations) |
CCR | Capacity Constrained Resource |
CCR | Center for Cooperative Resolution |
CCR | Call Completion Rate (telephony) |
CCR | Centre Català del Reciclatge (Spanish) |
CCR | Customer Controlled Reconfiguration (Sprint) |
CCR | Conseils Consultatifs Régionaux (French) |
CCR | Computer-Communications Research |
CCR | Corner Cube Retroreflector |
CCR | Child Care Registration (software) |
CCR | Crab Creek Review (literature) |
CCR | Comision Clasificadora de Riesgo (Spanish) |
CCR | Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine |
CCR | Chop Cut Rebuild (TV show) |
CCR | Cream City Review |
CCR | Center for Creative Retirement |
CCR | Cloud Cover Radiometer |
CCR | Circle Computer Resources (Iowa) |
CCR | Club Codes and Regulations |
CCR | Comparison Category Rating |
CCR | Chu Chu Rocket! (video game) |
CCR | Centre for Critical Realism |
CCR | Computer Competency Requirement |
CCR | Client Configuration Request (Microsoft SMS) |
CCR | Course Concepts Review |
CCR | Canadian Consortium for Research |
CCR | Cross Country Running |
CCR | Citroen Club Rijnmond (The Netherlands) |
CCR | Christus Centrum Ruhrgebiet (German) |
CCR | Cash Conversion Rate (ratio of free cash flow to income) |
CCR | Commitment, Concurrency, & Recovery |
CCR | Caulobacter Vibrioides |
CCR | Centre de Calcul Recherche et Réseau Jussieu (French) |
CCR | Civic and Community Relations |
CCR | Combat Crew |
CCR | Center for Community Resources (various locations) |
CCR | Constraint Contextual Rewriting |
CCR | Consigli Consultivi Regionali (Italian) |
CCR | Citizens for Civic Renewal |
CCR | Comité Consultatif sur la Recherche (French: Consultative Committee on Research, Canada) |
CCR | Certified Community Researcher |
CCR | Citizens for Civil Rights |
CCR | Carrier Commercial Refrigeration, Inc |
CCR | Cambridge Clinical Research (UK) |
CCR | Center for Ceramic Research |
CCR | Certified Construction Reviewer (Delaware) |
CCR | Context Control |
CCR | Carrefour Culturel Régional (French, Quebec) |
CCR | Canal-Calcar Ratio |
CCR | Canalside Community Radio (MacClesfield, UK) |
CCR | Category Cued Recall |
CCR | Chopper City Records |
CCR | Criminal Conviction Review |
CCR | Conservative's Chat Room |
CCR | Cumulative Continuation Rate |
CCR | Chocolate-Covered Raisins |
CCR | Centro Cristiano Restauracion (Spanish: Christian Center Restoration) |
CCR | Center for Child Care Resources |
CCR | Carbon-Carbon Radiator |
CCR | Continuity Check Request Signal (CCS #7 & ITU-T) |
CCR | Coordinating Committee on Remuneration |
CCR | Committee on Chicano Rights |
CCR | City Civil Registrar |
CCR | Contract Change Request |
CCR | Centralized Control Room |
CCR | Canadian Coastal Radar(s) |
CCR | Circular Chart Recorder |
CCR | Center for Craniofacial Regeneration |
CCR | Complex Coordinate Rotation |
CCR | Cruel Children's Room |
CCR | Cross Country Rentals (New Zealand) |
CCR | Content Control Room |
CCR | Contractor Change Request |
CCR | Citizen Crime Report |
CCR | Consistency Check Request |
CCR | Caritas Czech Republic |
CCR | Country Clearance Request |
CCR | Control Center Rack (NASA) |
CCR | Criss Cross Row |
CCR | Command Conference Room |
CCR | Central Contracts Register (South Africa) |
CCR | Construction Compliance Report |
CCR | Competitive Climbing Rank (rock climbing) |
CCR | Center for Comparative Research |
CCR | Center for Celiac Research |
CCR | Cool Cat Racing, Inc (Macon, GA) |
CCR | Centro Cristao de Recreacao (Portugese) |
CCR | Commission Centrale du Rhin (French) |
CCR | Chair Command Release/Refuse |
CCR | Continuous Catalytic Regenerator |
CCR | Cape Cod Recreation (website) |
CCR | Centre for Catalogue Research (UK) |
CCR | Coherent Correlation Receiver |
CCR | Corinth & Counce Railroad Company |
CCR | Community Covenants & Restrictions (homeowners associations) |
CCR | Commitment, Concurrence, and Redundancy |
CCR | Council of Chapter Representatives |
CCR | Capitol Commitment Requisition |
CCR | Ceppad, Cammice and Rapid (Experiments) |
CCR | Carroll Creek Remedies |
CCR | Cultural Creative Ring |
CCR | Club Cyclo Roussillonnais (French cycling club) |
CCR | Critical Computer Resource |
CCR | Cold-Circadian Rhythm-RNA Binding |
CCR | Corridor Circuit Rider |
CCR | Chest Compression Resuscitation (CPR without rescue breathing) |
CCR | Close-Coupled Representation |
CCR | Controller Controller Revolution (Dance Dance Revolution) |
CCR | Canonical Commutation Relations Algebra |
CCR | Communauté de Communes du Ribéracois (French: Community of Communes of Ribéracois; Ribérac, France) |
CCR | Configuration Change Report |
CCR | Cross-Correlation Reduction |
CCR | Creed's Computer Repair |
CCR | Cruise Control Resume |
CCR | Cost of Corrective Replacement |
CCR | Center for Complexity Research |
CCR | Custom Component Replacement |
CCR | Component Characteristics Record |
CCR | Cyclo Club Rivesaltes (French cycling club) |
CCR | Center for Corpus Research (University of Birmingham, UK) |
CCR | Continuous Certification Requirement |
CCR | Concord, CA, USA - Municipal (airport code) |
CCR | Connection Challenge Response |
CCR | Central Contract for Registration |
CCR | Combined Casualty Report |
CCR | Cash Control Record |
CCR | Continuous Claim Reserve (insurance) |
CCR | Citroën Club Romand (automobile club; Switzerland) |
CCR | Corse Centrale de Restauration (French: Central Corsica Restoration) |
CCR | Cadet College Rangpur (Bangladesh) |
CCR | Computability, Complexity and Randomness (conference) |
CCR | Centre de Conduite Régional (French: Regional Operation Center) |
CCR | Cyclotourisme Club du Roumois (French cycling club) |