Acronym | Definition |
CSEM | Centre Sismologique Euro-Méditerranéen (France) |
CSEM | Core Security Event Management |
CSEM | Client Security Engine Module |
CSEM | Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtechnique (Switzerland) |
CSEM | Case Studies in Environmental Medicine (ATSDR) |
CSEM | Commission Scolaire English Montreal (French: English Montreal School Board; Montreal, Canada) |
CSEM | Centre Sportif d'Équitation Militaire (French: Military Riding Sports Center) |
CSEM | Chambre Syndicale des Eaux Minérales (French: Union Chamber of Mineral Water) |
CSEM | Controlled Source Electromagnetics |
CSEM | Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics |
CSEM | Center for the Study of Emergency Management |
CSEM | Center for the Science and Engineering of Materials |
CSEM | Conditional Standard Error of Measurement (educational testing parameter) |
CSEM | Child Support Enforcement Manual (State of Ohio) |
CSEM | Center for Signature Evaluation and Modeling (Aerodyne) |