BIRBritish Institute of Radiology
BIRBureau of Internal Revenue
BIRBureau of International Recycling
BIRBrain Injury Rehabilitation (various organizations)
BIRBall in Ramp
BIRBand Instrument Repair (various schools)
BIRBuchanan Ingersoll & Rooney (law firm; Pittsburgh; PA)
BIRBataillon d'Intervention Rapide (French: Rapid Intervention Battalion; Cameroon)
BIRBaculovirus IAP Repeat
BIRBusiness Informatics Research
BIRBiomedical Imaging Resource
BIRBureau of Intelligence and Research (US State Department)
BIRBadatz Igud Rabbonim (Kosher Food Certification Agency)
BIRBiometric Identification Record
BIRBuilt in Wardrobe
BIRBâtiment Industrie Réseaux (French: Building Industry Networks)
BIRBasic Individual Record
BIRBuilt-in Rigid (plumbing)
BIRBeta-Cell Inward Rectifier Subunit
BIRBanque d'Information sur les Recherches
BIRBretagne Internet Réseaux (French: Brittany Internet Networks; Rennes, Brittany, France)
BIRBenefit/Investment Ratio
BIRBest Incremental Return
BIRBiological Impact Report
BIRBoulons Industriels Rouville (French)
BIRBrother in Room
BIRBusiness Information Records
BIRBurn-In Reliability