BASCBritish Association for Shooting and Conservation
BASCBehavior Assessment System for Children
BASCBachelor of Applied Science
BASCBarrow Arctic Science Consortium
BASCBusiness Alliance for Secure Commerce (Wilmington, DE)
BASCBusiness Anti-Smuggling Coalition (Customs and Border Protection)
BASCBerkeley APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) Study Center
BASCBritish Association of Skin Camouflage (UK)
BASCBay Area Showcase Chorus (Santa Clara, CA)
BASCBachelor of Arts and Sciences (Melbourne University)
BASCBluegrass Association of Southern California
BASCBoard on Atmospheric Science and Climate
BASCBedford Ambulatory Surgical Center
BASCBulacan Agricultural State College (Philippines)
BASCBerkeley Atmospheric Sciences Center
BASCBengali Association of Southern California
BASCBuckeye Australian Shepherd Club (Ohio)
BASCBay Area Single Christians
BASCBurnham Association of Sports Clubs (Somerset, UK)
BASCBeekeepers Association of Southern California
BASCBoonsboro Area Soccer Club
BASCBinary Asymmetric Channel