Acronym | Definition |
CEN | Center |
CEN | Centralia (Amtrak station code; Centralia, IL) |
CEN | Comité Européen de Normalisation (French: European Committee for Standardization) |
CEN | Childhood Emotional Neglect (psychology) |
CEN | Committee of European Norms (personal protective equipment) |
CEN | Comité Ejecutivo Nacional (Spanish: National Executive Committee; Mexico) |
CEN | Carrier Ethernet Network |
CEN | Consumer Electronics Net |
CEN | Certified Emergency Nurse |
CEN | Church of England Newspaper |
CEN | Centre d'Etude de l'Energie Nucléaire |
CEN | Chemical and Engineering News |
CEN | Customer Enterprise Network (various companies) |
CEN | Community Empowerment Network (Seattle, WA) |
CEN | Comitato Europeo di Normazione |
CEN | Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires |
CEN | Competitive Eating News (New York, NY) |
CEN | Clean Energy Network, Inc. (est. 1990) |
CEN | Center for Educational Networking (Michigan) |
CEN | Constant Enrollment Number (population statistic) |
CEN | Centre d'Études de la Neige (French: snow study center) |
CEN | Customs Enforcement Network |
CEN | China Environment News |
CEN | Canadian Environment Network |
CEN | Central Educational Network (Public Television) |
CEN | Collège des Enseignants de Nutrition (French: College of Teachers of Nutrition) |
CEN | Cyber Entertainment Network |
CEN | Chemins de fer Économiques du Nord (French railroad company) |
CEN | Collège des Enseignants de Neurologie (French: College of Teachers of Neurology) |
CEN | Caribbean Environmental Network |
CEN | Création et Édition Numériques (French: Digital Editing and Creation; University of Paris; Paris, France) |
CEN | Commission Économique de la Nation (French: Economic Commission of the Nation) |
CEN | Computational Electronics and Nanoelectronics |
CEN | Content Exchange Network (Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union) |
CEN | Client Event Notifier |
CEN | Cross-Erasure Noise |
CEN | Comptoir Électronique du Nord (French electronics distributor) |
CEN | Communication, Electronics, and Navigation |
CEN | Centre d'Essai Nucléaire (French: Nuclear Test Center) |
CEN | Ciudad Obregon, Sonora, Mexico (Airport Code) |