CDMECertified Destination Management Executive (IACVB)
CDMECellule Départementale de Maintien dans l’Emploi
CDMECommercial Driver Medical Examiner
CDMECentre Dépannage Manutention Entretien
CDMECadres de Direction Multi-Employeurs
CDMECentro de Diagnóstico Marcos Enrietti
CDMECollaborative Device Modeling Environment
CDMECorne Dorsale de la Moelle Épinière
CDMECommunity Dynamics and Microbial Ecology
CDMECentre for Dynamic Modelling in Economics
CDMECystine Dimethyl Ester
CDMEChronic Disease Management and Education
CDMECódigo Disciplinar dos Militares Estaduais