Acronym | Definition |
CDP | Continuous Data Protection (backup technology) |
CDP | Census Designated Place |
CDP | Cisco Discovery Protocol |
CDP | Carbon Disclosure Project |
CDP | Chef de Partie (French: Station Chef) |
CDP | Casa de Papel (Spanish TV series) |
CDP | Collection Due Process (IRS) |
CDP | Center for Domestic Preparedness |
CDP | Child Development Program (Navy) |
CDP | Client Data Protection (various companies) |
CDP | Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (Italian financial firm) |
CDP | Châteauneuf-du-Pape (French wine) |
CDP | Cuestión de Peso (Spanish: Question of Weight; Chilean TV show) |
CDP | Cluster Development Programme (India) |
CDP | Christian Democratic Party |
CDP | Community Development Planning (various organizations) |
CDP | Comprehensive Development Plan |
CDP | Center for Deployment Psychology (Bethesda, MD) |
CDP | Certified Data Processor |
CDP | Colour Digital Print |
CDP | Change Default Player |
CDP | Circuit Destruction Packet |
CDP | Computer Diagnostics Program |
CDP | Custom Dialing Plan |
CDP | Crl Distribution Point |
CDP | Compact Disc Player |
CDP | Cellular Digital Packet |
CDP | Continuous Data Protection |
CDP | Command Data Processor |
CDP | Computerized Design Procedures |
CDP | Central Data Processing |
CDP | Center for Development Policy (Washington, DC) |
CDP | Community Design Plan (various locations) |
CDP | Collett Dickenson Pearce (advertising; UK) |
CDP | Cancer Detection Program (various organizations) |
CDP | Cytidine 5'-Diphosphate |
CDP | Curriculum Development Process (various organizations) |
CDP | Congrés pour la Dèmocratie et le Progrés (Congress for Democracy and Progress; Burkina Faso) |
CDP | Chronic Disease Prevention |
CDP | Common Depth Point (seismic exploration) |
CDP | Chemical Dependency Professional |
CDP | Colorado Democratic Party |
CDP | Comprehensive Drilling Plan (Colorado Oil and Gas Conversation Commission) |
CDP | Candidate Development Program |
CDP | City Development Plan |
CDP | Congressional District Programs (Falls Church, VA) |
CDP | Sisters of Divine Providence (religious order) |
CDP | Central Delivery Point (gas processing plant; various companies) |
CDP | Composers Desktop Project (est. 1986; UK) |
CDP | Centre for Degree Programmes (Hong Kong) |
CDP | Certified Data Processor (Institute for Certification of Computing Professionals) |
CDP | Certificate in Data Processing |
CDP | Centre de Documentation Pédagogique (French: Educational Information Center; New Caledonia) |
CDP | Certified Divorce Planner (Institute of Certified Divorce Planners) |
CDP | Collaborative Development Process (SourceForge) |
CDP | Creative Design Production (various companies) |
CDP | Communicable Disease Program (various locations) |
CDP | Channel Deepening Project (marine infrastructure; Australia) |
CDP | Civil Defense Program (US DoD; est. 1947) |
CDP | Congregation of Divine Providence (Roman Catholic Women's group) |
CDP | Custom Development Project (various companies) |
CDP | Center for Disaster Preparedness |
CDP | China Democratic Party |
CDP | Capacity Development Program |
CDP | Code Domain Power (Tektronix) |
CDP | Custom Defense Package |
CDP | Democratic and Patriotic Convention (Senegal) |
CDP | Concrete Delivery Professional (certification) |
CDP | Landing Craft Air Cushion Departure Point (US DoD) |
CDP | Columbia Data Products, Inc. |
CDP | Capability Development Plan (EU) |
CDP | Compressor Discharge Pressure |
CDP | Chief of Defence Procurement |
CDP | Chemical Demilitarization Program |
CDP | Coalition for a Democratic Pacifica |
CDP | Charlottetown Driving Park |
CDP | Central Data Processor |
CDP | Computer Data Processing |
CDP | Cabletron Discovery Protocol |
CDP | Certified Diversity Professional |
CDP | Conditioned Diphase |
CDP | College Discovery Program (New York) |
CDP | Aero-Condor Peru (ICAO code) |
CDP | Control Design Platform |
CDP | Collaborative Degree Program (education) |
CDP | Concept Development Phase |
CDP | Course Data Processing |
CDP | Canopy Database Project (eco-informatics project) |
CDP | Chattanooga Downtown Partnership (Chattanooga, TN) |
CDP | Cross Deck Pendant |
CDP | Communication Data Processor |
CDP | Control and Display Panel |
CDP | Career Development Path |
CDP | Columbus Division of Police (Columbus, Ohio) |
CDP | Comprehensive Development Program (Quezon City, Philippines) |
CDP | Composite Drill Pipe |
CDP | Contract Definition Phase |
CDP | Command Data Processor (NASA) |
CDP | Customer Discount Plan |
CDP | Checkout Data Processor |
CDP | Classified Data Processing |
CDP | Congressionally Directed Project (congressional earmark) |
CDP | Company Distributing Point |
CDP | Centre for Development and Planning (Lebanon) |
CDP | Commercial Data Processing, Inc. |
CDP | Composite Direct Product (statistics) |
CDP | Concept Demonstrator Phase |
CDP | Certified Development Professional |
CDP | Commander's Dissemination Policy |
CDP | Clear Desk Policy |
CDP | Call Distribution Process (Sprint) |
CDP | Campaign for Devolved Parliament (Ulster) |
CDP | Contractor's Design Portion (building contracts) |
CDP | Capability Development Package |
CDP | Controller Development Program |
CDP | Conseil de Développement Participatif (French: Participatory Development Council) |
CDP | Congenital Dysplasia of the Hip |
CDP | Civil Disturbance Plan |
CDP | Cultural Disaster Protection |
CDP | Collection Data Processor |
CDP | Critical Design Parameters (US Navy shipbuilding requirements) |
CDP | Component Development Plan |
CDP | Conductive Diamond Plate |
CDP | Contract Definition Plan |
CDP | Customer Documentation Planning |
CDP | Cost Data Plan |
CDP | Classified Defense Products |
CDP | Certified Distinct Part |
CDP | Club de Patinage sur Glace (French: Ice Skating Club) |
CDP | Combat Decision Process |
CDP | Contingency Deployability Posture (STADEPS) |
CDP | CRL (Certificate Revocation List) Distribution Point (digital certificates) |
CDP | Caravan of Dreams Productions (record label) |
CDP | Consumer Decision Problem (consumer behaviour) |
CDP | Creditors Deferral Period (capital management) |