CCCPACleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority (Ohio)
CCCPAChicago Chinese Computing Professional Association
CCCPAClearwater Conservancy of Central Pennsylvania
CCCPAConcerned Citizens for Chronic Psychiatric Adults (now NAMI Middlesex County)
CCCPACentral Committee of the Communist Party of Armenia
CCCPACairo Regional Center for Training on Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping in Africa
CCCPACenter for Training on Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping in Africa
CCCPACalifornia Community College Placement Association (now the California Placement Association)
CCCPACircuit Court of Customs and Patent Appeals
CCCPACentral City Community Planning Area
CCCPAConnecticut Creditor Collection Practices Act
CCCPACentral Committee of the Communist Party of Australia
CCCPACompanies Consolidation Consequential Provisions Act