ASRAnti Slip Regulation (automotive)
ASRAirport Surveillance Radar
ASRAntenna Structure Registration (Federal Communications Commission)
ASRAutomatic Speech Recognition
ASRAggregation Services Router (Cisco)
ASRAlkali-Silica Reaction
ASRAntriebs-Schlupf-Regelung (German: Traction Control; vehicles)
ASRAs Required
ASRAutomated System Recovery (Microsoft)
ASRAquifer Storage and Recovery (reservoir management)
ASRAmerican Sugar Refining
ASRAmerican Sociological Review
ASRArea Specific Resistance (fuel cells)
ASRAdvanced Shake Reduction (cameras)
ASRAccelerated Share Repurchase (stock)
ASRAutomated Speech Recognition
ASRAutomatic System Reconfiguration
ASRAutomatic Set Relocation
ASRAutomated System Recovery
ASRAdditional Score Report
ASRAutomatic Server Reconfiguration
ASRAutomatic Send and Receive
ASRAutomation String Resources
ASRAutomatic Self Refresh
ASRApple Software Restore
ASRAction Script Remote
ASRApplication Specification Routing
ASRanti Slip Regulation
ASRAdvanced Shake Reduction
ASRAdditional Services Request
ASRalt.sysadmin.recovery (newsgroup)
ASRAccess Service Request
ASRAdult Signature Required (deliveries)
ASRAnnuario Statistico Regionale (Italian: Regional Statistical Yearbook)
ASRAcceleration Skid Control
ASRAnalyte Specific Reagent
ASRAutomatic System Recovery
ASRAbsorbed Solar Radiation
ASRAttestation de Sécurité Routière (French: Road Safety Certification)
ASRAnnual Salary Review (various organizations)
ASRAir-Sea Rescue
ASRAutomobile Shredder Residue
ASRAmerican Safety Razor (Verona, VA)
ASRAustralian Stock Report (Melbourne, Australia)
ASRArithmetic Shift Right
ASRAccounting Series Release
ASRAutomatic Server Restart
ASRAnswer Seizure Ratio
ASRAcceleration Slip Regulation (traction control on vehicles)
ASRAutomatic Send/Receive
ASRAutomotive Shredder Residue
ASRAir Surveillance Radar
ASRAquifer Storage and Retrieval (surface water storage)
ASRAnswer/Seizure Ratio (ITU-T)
ASRAssociazione Sportiva Roma (Italian football club; est. 1927)
ASRAge-Standardized Rate (oncology)
ASRApplied Systems Research (various organizations)
ASRAccount Status Report (various organizations)
ASRAerosol Scattering Ratio
ASRArmy Service Ribbon
ASRAfter School Recreation (various locations)
ASRAlternate Supply Route
ASRAdditional Score Report (MCAT)
ASRAnnual Safety Report (clinical trials)
ASRArea Surveillance Radar
ASRAutomatic Stability Control
ASRAtmoshere Supplying Respirator
ASRAdaptable System Recovery (software)
ASRAir Staff Requirement
ASRAda Software Repository
ASRAcquisition Strategy Report
ASRAccident Safety Record
ASRAtlantique Stade Rochelais (French rugby club)
ASRAttack-Sustain-Release (MIDI; electronic music attribute)
ASRAgentia Spatiala Romana (Romanian Space Agency)
ASRAir Support Request
ASRAirborne Surveillance Radar
ASRAs Rolled (steel plate)
ASRArchive Search Report
ASRAustralian speedway racing
ASRAdmissions Support Representative (various organizations)
ASRAccount Sales Representative
ASRArchitectures, Systèmes et Réseaux (French)
ASRAltimeter Setting Region
ASRAnelastic Strain Recovery
ASRAvailable Supply Rate
ASRAge/Sex Rates
ASRActive Student Responding (education)
ASRAttention Span Radio (Internet radio)
ASRArizona Snowbowl Resort
ASRAnatomic Surface Replacement
ASRAssault Support Request
ASRAssociation des Scouts du Rwanda
ASRAlternative Systems Review
ASRAlberta Sulphur Research Ltd (Calgary, AB, Canada)
ASRAuxiliary Submarine Rescue (ship)
ASRAbsolute Space Representation
ASRApplication Specific Router (Cisco)
ASRAerodrome Surveillance Radar
ASRAverage Seizure Ratio
ASRAlliance Standardization Requirements
ASRApplication Site Reaction (medicine)
ASRAuthorized Strength Report
ASRAdaptive Sidelobe Reduction
ASRAuthorized Selling Representative
ASRAdirondack Scenic Railroad
ASRAccess Service Record
ASRActively Synchronized Replenishment (supply chain and manufacturing)
ASRAssociation of Student Representatives
ASRAlaska SAR Facility
ASRAdditional Services Request (form of change order)
ASRAccounting Systems Requirements
ASRAdvertising Services Representative
ASRAuthorized Supply Rate
ASRAccumulator Shift Right
ASRAdvanced Search Reporting (Google)
ASRAmbiguity-To-Signal Ratio
ASRAmerican Smelting and Refining Co
ASRAccelerated Successive Replacement
ASRAmerican Society of Rocketry
ASRArmed Strike Reconnaissance
ASRArmy Status Report
ASRAlpha Sigma Rho Sorority
ASRAdvanced Surveillance Radar
ASRAviation Safety Recommendation
ASRAdaptive Software Rejuvenation
ASRAnniston Software Repository
ASRActive Server Recovery (Windows 2000)
ASRAdvanced Software Resources Company
ASRAutomatic Shipment Rating
ASRAltezza Sua Reale (Latin: Your Royal Highness, codices and manuscripts)
ASRArmy Staff Requirement
ASRAuxiliary Search and Rescue
ASRAutomatic Seizure Rate (telecommunications)
ASRArea Search Radar
ASRAnswer Supervision Rate (telecommunications)
ASRAnnual Staff Report
ASRActivation Service Request (telecommunications)
ASRAftermarket Sales Representative
ASRAustralian Self-Regulation system (advertising standards)
ASRAuxiliary Storage Save/Restore
ASRActive Sports Retailers (San Diego, CA)
ASRAccount Service Request
ASRAbsolute Safety Requirement
ASRAdaptive Spectral Reconnaissance
ASRAlarm and Status Report (Lucent)
ASRAgent Status Record