BISBureau of Industry and Security
BISDepartment for Business, Innovation and Skills (UK)
BISBest In Show
BISBank for International Settlements
BISBack in Stock
BISBureau of Indian Standards
BISBlackberry Internet Service
BISBBB (Better Business Bureau) Information System
BISBusiness, Innovation and Skills (UK)
BISBulk Ink System (printers)
BISBorder Information Service (Canada)
BISBispectral Index
BISBusiness Information Solutions (various locations)
BISBlock Island Sound (Rhode Island)
BISBusiness Integration Services
BISBilfinger Berger Industrial Services (Germany)
BISBritish Interplanetary Society
BISBuilt-in Speaker
BISBuffer Index Size
BISBorder Intermediate System
BISBluetooth Internet Sharer
BISBoot Integrity Service
BISBilling Information Service
BISBits into Sound
BISBilling Information System
BISBlock Interlocking System
BISBitdefender Internet Security
BISBusiness Information System
BISBusiness Intelligence Server (computing)
BISBayer Industry Services
BISBusiness Intelligence Solutions
BISBowser's Inside Story (gaming)
BISBisector (geometry)
BISBump in the Stack (RFC 2767)
BISBachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies
BISBlu International Studio (Italy; publishing house)
BISBlack Isle Studios (video games maker)
BISBachelor of Integrative Studies (various schools)
BISBusiness Intelligence System
BISBehavioral Inhibition System
BISBachelor of Information Systems
BISBusiness Information Service
BISBusiness Integration Server
BISbioimpedance spectroscopy
BISBuilt-In Speakerphone
BISBoot Integrity Services
BISBrought Into Service
BISBanque Islamique du Sénégal (French: Islamic Bank of Senegal; Senegal)
BISBachelor of Independent Studies
BISBelieve in Style (Japanese band)
BISBusiness Internet Solutions
BISBavarian International School
BISBusiness Integration Suite
BISBoard of Inspection and Survey (US Navy)
BISBirnbaum Interpreting Services
BISBusiness Intelligence Specialist
BISBioinformatics Services
BISBremsstrahlung Isochromat Spectroscopy
BISBusiness Improvement Solutions
BISBiometric Identification Solution (Motorola fingerprint palmprint identification product)
BISBibliothek Information Schweiz (German: Library Information Switzerland; Switzerland)
BISBrain Injury Society
BISBack in A Second
BISBoundary Intermediate System
BISButts In Seats
BISBarents Information Service (Finland)
BISBritish Information Service (Consular General Office, New York)
BISBezpecnostní Informacní Sluzba (Security and Information Service, Czechia; StB successor)
BISBordeaux International School
BISBorder Intermediate System (ATM Forum, PNNI SWG)
BISBestuurs Informatie Systeem (Dutch: Managerial Information System)
BISBACN (Battlefield Airborne Communications Node) IFDL (Intra-Flight Data Link) Subsystem (US Air Force)
BISBachelor of Information Science
BISBiological Instrumentation Services Ltd.
BISBuffer Information Specification
BISBuilt-In Simulation
BISBottled in Scotland (whisky bottles)
BISBring Into Service
BISBest in Slot (gaming)
BISBattlefield Information Services
BISBombay International School (Mumbai, India)
BISBritish Ichthyological Society (est. 1956; UK)
BISBibliographic Instruction Section
BISBehavior Intervention Specialist
BISBehavioral Intervention Services
BISBirmingham Islamic Society (Birmingham, Alabama)
BISBeam Imaging System
BISBattlespace Information System
BISBase One Internet Server
BISBattlefield Information System
BISBackup Iron Sight
BISBid Invitation Specification
BISBid Information Service
BISBuffer Insertion and Sizing
BISBio-geographic Information System
BISBehavior and Ideation Scale
BISBoard of Inspection & Survey
BISBiocide Injection System
BISBleve Incident Simulator
BISBaskin Internet Services
BISBoston Inspectional Services
BISBismarck, ND, USA - Bismarck-Mandan Municipal (Airport Code)
BISBrookside Intermediate School (Friendswood, TX)
BISBachelor of Islamic Studies
BISBlooms in Style (Torrance, CA)