Acronym | Definition |
CSFA | Commandement du Soutien des Forces Aériennes (French: Support Command of the Air Force) |
CSFA | Citizens' Scholarship Foundation of America |
CSFA | Center for the Study of the First Americans (College Station, TX) |
CSFA | California State Floral Association |
CSFA | Cadres sans Frontières Afrique (French: Executives without Borders Africa) |
CSFA | Cabinet Stéphane Fournier Assurances (French insurance company) |
CSFA | Centre Spécialisé de Formation d'Apprentis (French: Specialized Center of Apprentice Training) |
CSFA | California School Finance Authority |
CSFA | CyberSecurity Forensics Analyst (SP Hailey Enterprises) |
CSFA | Canadian Snack Food Association |
CSFA | Cultural Society of Filipino-Americans |
CSFA | Calgary Society of Financial Analysts (Canada) |
CSFA | Canadian Sighthound Field Association |
CSFA | Certified Surgical First Assistant |
CSFA | Calcium Salts of Fatty Acids |
CSFA | Central States Fire Apparatus |
CSFA | Certified Specialist in Functional Assessment (ErgoRehab, Inc.) |
CSFA | Colorado School Foundations Association |
CSFA | California State Firefighters' Association, Inc. |
CSFA | Club Schoelcherois de Football Américain (French American football club) |
CSFA | Commode Safety Frame |
CSFA | Coalition of South Florida Associations |
CSFA | Chinese Student Friendship Association |
CSFA | Canadian Soccer Football Association |
CSFA | crude split fatty acid |
CSFA | Colorado State Firefighters Association |
CSFA | Credit Suisse Fund Administration Ltd |
CSFA | Certified SonicWall Firewall Administrator |