Acronym | Definition |
BBR | Broken Bow Records (Nashville, TN) |
BBR | Bleu, Blanc, Rouge (French: Blue, White, Red) |
BBR | Bad Block Reported |
BBR | Brodie Britain Racing |
BBR | Backbone Ring |
BBR | Basic Backup and Recovery |
BBR | Broadband Router |
BBR | Battery Backed Ram |
BBR | Bending Beam Rheometer |
BBR | (website) |
BBR | Blonde, Brunette, Redhead |
BBR | Bina Buana Raya (shipping company; Indonesia) |
BBR | Black Berry Recordings (Japan) |
BBR | Bureau of Business Research |
BBR | Baby Back Ribs |
BBR | Botrytis Bunch Rot (grape disease) |
BBR | Burnt Beyond Repair |
BBR | Branch Bark Ridge (trees) |
BBR | Black Body Radiation (quantum physics) |
BBR | Broad Branch Road (Carnegie Institution for Science; Washington, DC) |
BBR | Back Bone Ring |
BBR | Bubble Bath Records (record label) |
BBR | Belgische Bond voor Rijwieltoerisme (Dutch: Belgian Association for Bicycle Tourism; Belgium) |
BBR | Basisbedrijvenregister (Dutch: Basic Business Register) |
BBR | Buffalo Bills Review |
BBR | Book to Bill Ratio |
BBR | Behavior-Based Retrieval |
BBR | Burnt Beyond Recognition (band) |
BBR | Bibliothèque Braille Romande (French: Romande Braille Library; Switzerland) |
BBR | Borrowing Base Report (banks) |
BBR | Billet Base Review (US DoD) |
BBR | Broken Beyond Repair |
BBR | Bayou Business Review (Louisiana) |
BBR | Bibasilar Rales (lungs) |
BBR | Bundle Branch Reentrant |
BBR | Bad Boy Records (record label) |
BBR | Babcock-Brown Boveri Reaktor |
BBR | Bankers' Buying Rate (airline code) |
BBR | Bandwidth Blocking Ratio |
BBR | Big Band de Roanne (Roanne, France) |
BBR | Bluebeat Remedy (band) |
BBR | Broadband Rangers (Americas Army gaming clan) |
BBR | Burstable Bit Rate |
BBR | Brie-Axe Betterave Rugby (France) |
BBR | Black Beauty Ranch |
BBR | Blinded by Rage (band) |
BBR | Badland Bombing Range |
BBR | Branch-By-Release (configuration management model) |
BBR | Back Bouncing Rod (fishing rod) |
BBR | Blonde, Brune, Rousse (French: Blonde, Brunette, Redhead) |