Acronym | Definition |
BBT | Basal Body Temperature |
BBT | Bhaktivedanta Book Trust |
BBT | Big Bang Theory |
BBT | Branch Bank & Trust (various locations) |
BBT | Bundesamt für Berufsbildung und Technologie (German: Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology; Switzerland) |
BBT | Biochemistry and Biotechnology (various schools) |
BBT | Bleu de Bromothymol (French: Bromothymol Blue; chemistry) |
BBT | Broad Based Training (UK) |
BBT | Big Boys Toys |
BBT | Bubble Tea |
BBT | Be Back Tomorrow |
BBT | Browse by Title (index) |
BBT | Bitches Be Tripping |
BBT | Bosch Buderus Thermotechnik |
BBT | Brooklyn Battery Tunnel (New York) |
BBT | Born before Technology |
BBT | Brenner Base Tunnel (railway tunnel) |
BBT | Brethren Benefit Trust (Church of the Brethren financial ministries) |
BBT | Black Box Testing (system functionality) |
BBT | Bim Bim Team (sports team; France) |
BBT | Bare Board Test (circuit boards) |
BBT | Beijing Boom Tower (China) |
BBT | Bright Beer Tank |
BBT | Bulletin des Bio Technologies (French: Bio Technologies Bulletin) |
BBT | Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu (Japanese Martial Art, Ninjutsu) |
BBT | Big Brown Truck (slang for United Parcel Service) |
BBT | Beyond Basic Training (software) |
BBT | Big Beautiful Teen |
BBT | Byways and Bridleways Trust (UK) |
BBT | Bit Block Transfer |
BBT | Bourg en Bresse Triathlon (Bourg-en-Bresse, France) |
BBT | Big Biz Tycoon (gaming) |
BBT | Boing Boom Tschak (song) |
BBT | Black Ball Transport, Inc. |
BBT | Bang Bang Team (gaming clan) |
BBT | Beinn Bhreagh Telecom |
BBT | Blue Beach Team (gaming clan) |
BBT | Budget Based Transfer (US Army) |
BBT | Brass Band de Toulouse (Toulouse, France) |
BBT | Black Bull Tools |
BBT | Base Board Test |
BBT | Basic Broadcast Tier (basic cable) |
BBT | Butterfly Body Transform |
BBT | Berry Bigorre Trek (resort; France) |
BBT | Buc Boxe Team Muay Thaï (French: Buc Muay Thai Boxing Team; Buc, France) |