BRASSCentre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society (UK)
BRASSBorder Release Advanced Screening and Selectivity
BRASSBridge Rating and Analysis of Structural Systems (software)
BRASSBerkeley Reconfigurable Architectures, Systems and Software
BRASSBreathe, Relax, Aim, Slack, Squeeze (firearms training)
BRASSBasic Rapid Alarm Security System
BRASSBroadcast and Ship to Shore (maritime wireless telecommunications)
BRASSBreathe, Relax, Aim, Sight, Squeeze (marksmanship Training)
BRASSBow River Authentic Singing Society (barbershop quartet)
BRASSBeef Reporting, Analysis, and Status System
BRASSBankruptcy Remote Access Service System
BRASSUS Term for Military Leaders
BRASSBase Resource Analysis Support System
BRASSBottom Reflected Acoustic Sonar System
BRASSBilling, Rating And Service System
BRASSBistatic Radar Sub-System