BRATBiroul Român de Audit Al Tirajelor (Romania)
BRATBi-Drive Recreational All-Terrain Transporter
BRATBananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast (diet order for stomach illness)
BRATBehaviour Research And Therapy (journal)
BRATBehavioral Risk Assessment Tool (HIV; various locations)
BRATBasenji Rescue and Transport (dog rescue organization)
BRATBeyond Line-Of-Sight Reporting and Tracking (US Army)
BRATBeyond Line-of-Sight Reporting and Tracking
BRATBi-Drive Recreational All-Terrain Transporter (Subaru model name for four-wheel drive car/truck, 1977-1987)
BRATBusiness Residence Account Tracking (system)
BRATBrush Rapid Attack Truck (Firematic Manufacturing firefighting vehicle)
BRATBattle-Management Requirements Analysis Tool
BRATBeautiful Rich and Talented
BRATBlind Radio Access Technology
BRATBench Reprogrammable Automated Tester
BRATBorn, Raised And Trained
BRATBridge, Road, and Tunnel Munition
BRATBuild Request and Tracking
BRATBritish Regiment Attached Traveler
BRATBureau de Recherche en Aménagement du Territoire (French: Office of Research in Land Management; Belgium)
BRATBallard's Resource for Artistic Talent (Seattle, WA)